The cast:
Richard as Dr. Robert Langdon
Renata as Dr. Sienna Brooks
Due to lack of actors all other characters in the book have been left out
Wanda as Dan Brown
(For those of you who read the book - Sorry, but play along, you know deep down this book wasn't The DaVinci Code - hence...)
The story is set in Florence and Venice Italy
Robert is trying to figure out what he is doing in Florence and Sienna found out her colleague at the hospital just got shot and the assassin is somewhere behind them - better get moving!
The two of them need to get to the Old City but the bridges are closed and the police are looking for them or could it be the assassin they are trying to find? It's all a blur...
....They run into Boboli Gardens. Hopefully, they can manage their way through 11 acres of this outdoor museum and into the heart of Florence without being seen...
The maze of trees should give them some protection - oh no! The police are right behind them and it sounds like they have drones looking for them. |
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Robert and Sienna both pretend they are statues and the Polizia pass by. That was a narrow escape. |
Robert is still trying to figure out why they are being chased by an assassin and the police. He finds a cylinder in his pocket that he thinks may be what the assassin wants from him.
They continue toward Pitti Palace.
This Renaissance palace was bought by the Medici family from Luca Pitti in 1549. This art gallery is full of treasures - too bad there is no time to wander through it.....
...and this bathtub!! Robert shakes his head wondering why the heck would an old bathtub be put in these beautiful gardens.... |
Wake up Robert! Who cares about the tub.....there are more search teams with drones looking for them. They scurry into a great hiding place - in the dark
Grotto of Buontalenti off of the
Pitti Palace...
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As the Polizia continue to search for Robert and Sienna, they remain hidden in the grotto and move deeper into the 3rd chamber where they stay hidden until the Polizia have passed by. |
Robert remembers there is a way into the city through the
"Vasari Corridor" - there is a secret door that he hopes he can open. He finds the small door hidden to the left of the grotto, after a couple of pushes they find themselves in the empty Corridor....
......empty of people, but the Corridor is full of paintings that few people are able to see.
Of course Robert forgets he is being chased and puts on his professor cap and points out to Sienna the great works of art lining the walls.
The corridor is not open to the public (except for a price!) -Look behind you it's a Reubens' selfie! |
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"Really Dr. Langdon, I think we need to go.............." |
They pass the church of Santa Felicita that Vasari had to build the Corridor around |
The Arno River can be seen from the Vasari Corridor as Robert and Sienna hurry across
Robert and Sienna are able to cross the Ponte Vecchio Bridge from above unbeknownst to the assassin and police looking for them below.
They still need to find their way into Palazzo Vecchio where there should be a clue as to why the police are chasing them.
Robert and Sienna find their way through the corridor from the Uffizi Palace into the Palazio Vechhio, once inside they hope to get lost in the crowds... |
....Robert and Sienna come out of the hidden secret door in the PalazzoVecchio unnoticed... |
Inside the Palazzo Vecchio, Robert forgets his imminent danger, as he stands in awe in the Salone dei Cinquecento. (The Room of 500). The large frescoes are battles and victories by Florence over Pisa and Sienna, not to mention the ceiling panels depicting the life of the Medicis, a Michelangelo statue, and on and on - such an imposing room....
The magnificent room was enlarged by Giorgio Vasari so that Grand Duke Cosimo I could hold court. |
Robert is trying to get Sienna's attention.... |
Robert found Dante's death mask thinking there might be a clue that makes sense of the craziness |
The clue has to be behind the mask....while no one was looking he pulled the mask from the case in search of a clue. Oh no - the police are on to them! Robert hides the mask in his shirt and...
.....he and Sienna are able to escape again by climbing the walls of the palace...where will this lead?
They stay hidden in the top of the tower. The Dante mask holds no clue and Robert and Sienna have no clue as to what to do next...
There has to be a clue in this somewhere - if not the mask, is it hidden in Michelino's fresco? Or does Robert need to find a copy of Dante's Divine Comedy to figure things out...
The book is way too long - so we will skip forward and head to Venice where Robert and Sienna find help.
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Robert and Sienna took a fast train to Venice got there in less than 2 hours and jump on a Vaporetto and head to St Mark's square.
Somehow the Poliza find out Robert and Sienna are in Venice and are out in force looking for both of them. Sienna came up with disguises....
.....A hat for Robert will make him look like George Clooney (or Merle Haggard) and a backpack, hair long, and drawing pad will make Sienna look like a very young art student......
....OK, that works... Paparazzi think Robert is George Clooney...
...and the real George Clooney has to be happy he got away from the paparazzi...
Back to the story.....
The best way to get in to St. Mark's Cathedral is through the side door,... "come on Robert, while the polizia are busy staring at George Cloony's new finance, we should be able to get into the church without notice."
The stunning interior with beautiful mosaic colors of gold and bronze and the Byzantine architecture makes St. Mark's one of the most visited sites in Venice. The Basilica was crowded with people and once Robert figured Venice was not the city they should be in...
...Sienna hurries off and leaves Robert alone in the Cathedral ....
... Sienna jumps on a Vaporatto and disappears down the canals....
When Robert finds Sienna missing - he put two and two together and felt betrayed by her.
He knows where she is heading and he will beat her there, he may look old, but he can still run. He jumps on a speed boat....
.... leaves Venice behind him and heads to the airport.
He knows now what the cylinder is, where he must go and what he must do next....
Are you wondering what happens next???
.....Well, get the book, because if Dan Brown ever reads this I am in trouble!